Could someone upload a homemade adventure they've created so I can get an idea of how to organise and write one up?
The only one I've seen is the quickstart adventure and that's not fully compatible so if trips me up somewhat.
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die..." ~ Inigo
Sure. Here's a one shot I put together for my old college 7th Sea group to try out the new system: the Island.
I can't claim it to be a masterpiece or anything, but this is kinda how I say an adventure coming together with plenty of tools to help keep me (the GM) on track.
Thanks BluSponge, this will be very handy
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die..." ~ Inigo
I've a few questions. I'm in no way criticising the adventure (I like it), but there are some terms you use that I'm not familiar with.
1. You call some Consequences 'Potential Consequences' and some 'Risk Consequences'. Why is that?
2, What would happen to the crew if nobody took the 'Opportunity: Spying a passage through the rocks'?
3. In Scene 2 you have no Consequences but an entry called 'Other Challenges'. Does scene 2 serve to describe/set the scene only?
4. In Scene 4 you list 'Potential Risk Consequences' but I haven't come across these in the rule book.
5. In Scene 5 you have something called 'Basic' Consequences. Are these different to standard Consequences?
I was wondering if I might have permission to tweak and add to the scenario and use it for my face to face group?
Thanks BluSpone
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die..." ~ Inigo
No problem, Sparky.
Risk consequences are definite consequences to be applied to the risk in question.
Potential consequences are things that could come up if the heroes do something unexpected. It's basically my "this might be useful" list. This generally goes for other consequences, too. It's just my way of preparing stuff so if things go sideways I'm not left floundering for consequences.
Early on, there was lots of discussion about the New GM floundering for consequences on the fly. This was my solution to the problem.
If no one takes the Opportunity to find a passage through the rocks, the ship has its hull ripped out. Feel free to adjust the size of the crew accordingly. The heroes survive, of course, but the ship would be finished.
As for tweaking the scenario, of course you may! Have fun. Let me know how your game goes.
Thanks BluSponge!
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die..." ~ Inigo