I just figured out one problem. Foul Weather Jack is something I did not thought to exist on 2nd Edition: Investment into future Advantage. The reason is that it gives character extra story thus extra experience. As GM I would simply fix this by either limiting the story to those stories altering but not advancing character. But I have better elegant solution:
Foul Weather Jack (3 points)
This advantage gives you Foul Weather Jack story which does not give you rewards, but Hero Points. The advantage also gives Hero Point when character advances any other story too.
Issue here is that the player always starts the game with 1 Hero Point. So this really wouldn't award the player anything.
Wouldn't a simpler solution be the player may only advance one story per session, not both? That would keep the XP in check.
There is guideline for episode stories is 1 stage for 1 to 2 hours of English play on Game Master Stories part on page 201.
Actually the extra hero point immediately when you gain the stage (or if it occures at end of session, at start of next story as suggested in Gamemaster section). That would give you additional Hero Points when you do what fate has reserved for you (as Foul Weather Jack was described).
I do actually try to desing the events such fashion that every character gets at least one personal story stage, and 1 gm story stage on eveyr 6 hour gaming session (this is in Finnish which slow it down as Finnish has longer words and more elaborate senteces). It is possible character gets 2 personal story stages and no general stage for session. And I do think this is the idea: GM know the next stage of character story, and goes with it.
Even if the rate is less than once per session, the moment of acquiring new goodies matter. If you get it one story sooner due lack of Foul wather Jack (as you focus on only one story), you have the ability 1 game earlier. This is perfect example, why "on average it balances it out" does not work in real life.