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LibrariaNPC's picture
1st Edition e-Pubs from AEG
1st edition, AEG, E-Pubs, resources

It came to my attention that I was missing some of the later resources that AEG released on their website, such as a few adventures and the like. Sadly, the website no longer exists, as it redirects to 7thsea.com.

I did send a tweet to JWP, and they did mention they will look into it.

For the time being, though, I found a stable link from the Internet Archive to read and download any of the materials.



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Cthulhu Netobvious
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture
Thanks. The PDF links were not archived by "WaybackMachine" but HTML pages seem to work okay like this sample: http://web.archive.org/web/20150629102735/http://www.alderac.com/7thsea/fiction/rc_questofthegrimsword.html

TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e

Sir Jack Harding
Sir Jack Harding's picture

Kind an old thread, but I just found this forum. I did some work on most of the documents that used to be on the old site and should still have all of them. I'll see what I've got and upload them either tonight or this weekend.

Cthulhu Netobvious
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture

Thank you, Sir Jack Harding and welcome to 7thSea2e.

TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e

-Laith- Cross
-Laith- Cross's picture

Sir, I have to ask did the 2nd Islands of Gold get written? It was one of the books that was yet to be posted on the aeg site.

Star West
Star West's picture

Sadly it did not get done. I was working on a fan supplement for a while focused on the colonization of the arcipelago, but that all got waylaid when the 2e KS was announced.

Salamanca's picture

2nd islands of gold was never even scheduled. 

The next book in the old AEG plan was to be the new world.  Debate was still unsettled as to that being a continent or a series of islands.  After that was a potential africa. 


Good to see Jack Harding back in the fold. 

Star West
Star West's picture

For some reason I could swear I saw "Islands of Plunder" posted somewhere...maybe at the back of one of the digial supplements. I assumed that was MA#2, but maybe it was for the New World instead? But you would know better than any of us, Sal, so I'm probably just remembering a rumor.

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