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  • by LibrariaNPC
  • Thu, 09/08/2016 - 10:42

It came to my attention that I was missing some of the later resources that AEG released on their website, such as a few adventures and the like. Sadly, the website no longer exists, as it redirects to 7thsea.com.

I did send a tweet to JWP, and they did mention they will look into it.

For the time being, though, I found a stable link from the Internet Archive to read and download any of the materials.

"Smilies exist because no one's bothered to create a sarcasm font." --Lost_Heretic

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  • by Alfredo Tarancón
  • Fri, 06/17/2016 - 19:37

Not sure if this is proper, or there's already a place around to post this kind of things, but I found this article that is not specifically about 7th Sea, but I thought it could be really interesting. I thought that instead of starting a thread just to share this it could be good to have a repository of this kind of links...

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