The Miracle Worker advantage is marked as a Knack (meaning no raise required) but the text says to spend a Hero Point and a raise on your Action to heal a dramatic wound of another character within touch. Presumably the Player would have to announce an Approach providing for moving to the character and touching them but do they have to pay a further Raise for the Miracle ?
Wed, 11/30/2016 - 02:01
Should Miracle Worker be a Knack ?
Miracle Worker
Yeah, I suspec the "spend a Raise" part is there to note that unlike other Knacks, using Miracle Worker counts as an Action and isn't something that just happens automatically.
Dono's Gaming & Etc Blog
The odd thing is, you can't use Miracle Worker "Between scenes" since it costs a Raise. We had this come up in a game session. Now you could just 'have wave' the Raise required if someone wants to spend the Hero Point when the group isn't in an Action or Dramatic Sequence.
Just a passing thought, but I wonder if that's intentional, so that Heroes can't just "magically" make Dramatic Wounds go away during downtime if they happen to be sitting on a few spare Hero Points in between scenes.
It sounds like the intent in the rules was that Dramatic Wounds are meant to be something to be concerned with and the players to be wary about, especially with the general lack of readily-available magical healing in this game.
Then again, there is an errata document due out at some point in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future, so that may well change and the Raise requirement on Miracle Worker could be dropped entirely, making it no different than a standard Knack.
Dono's Gaming & Etc Blog
There is nothing preventing it. You can use it between Scenes, but you can also use it during Dramatic Scene.
Actually there is numerous knacks, which says that spending a Raise is needed in addition to activating it during Scenes.
If you have not noticed, almost all Knacks require use of Action during Dramatic Scene. Thus the action is needed if you do healing during Scene. If you do it outside scene, no Action is needed.
And.. MIracle Worker is a Knack (K-symbol after its name).Game Mechanically a Knack is an Advantage requiring use of Hero Point.