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John Keller
John Keller's picture
Basic Set
Character Conversion
For the time being, I am restricted to the basic rules that are presented online, but am enjoying it immensely! I can't wait to get my hands on the actual books! Anyway, I am reconstructing a character I made in the previous edition, a Vodacce merchant whose wife is a Sorte' witch. In the older edition, I secured this using the True Love background. How should I go about it in 2nd edition, short of getting another player toplay her?
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BluSponge blusp...
BluSponge blusponge@verizon.net's picture

Trusted Companion Advantage...

...assuming she can be trusted.  ;)

John Keller
John Keller's picture
Thanks, Blu. I wasn't sure if Trusted Companion extended to those with sorcerous power or not, or for other things like fencing schools, political clout, etc.
Joachim Deneuve...
Joachim Deneuve du Surlign's picture

Well, in the Khitai quickstart it's used for a supernatural bear!

One thing to keep in mind is in the minimalist 2nd Edition ruleset, anyone other than the heroes doesn't use any of the 'main' rules.  So, it doesn't matter who or what the Companion is, they have the same mechanical effect.  Who or what they are is much more important for how the story progresses.

John Keller
John Keller's picture
In a similar vein, how might you get a mentor for your character? My first thought was actually Patron, in which case the resources offered might be more in the line of advice, guidance, and training, a la Anthony Hopkins' don Diego de la Vega, but maybe Trusted Companion would be more appropriate for a more hands-on mentor figure?
BluSponge blusp...
BluSponge blusponge@verizon.net's picture

I'd just give him a mentor and be done with it. I'd only use an advantage if there is a tangible benefit for your Hero. Trusted Companion is someone who travels with you – a trusted lackey, sidekick or animal companion. Patrons give you money. A mentor? He's just someone you visit for training and many information. So Connections? But that's as far as I would go.

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