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Idesama's picture
More 1E Resources

I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but there are more resources available for campaigns at http://www.alderac.com/7thsea/resources/

which hosts several additional adventures and other odds and ends that aren't included in the first batch of 1E books. It should prove valuable for those of you who intend to run in the 1E world in anticipation of the 2E launch.

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BluSponge blusp...
BluSponge blusponge@verizon.net's picture

Very nice!  Thanks for posting that.

Star West
Star West's picture

Don't forget The Temple of the Rose and Cross. The forum there has a large (and still growing) collection of 1st Ed resources.

It has all of the resources from the aldeac link (which we have no idea how much longer that will exist for) converted into a printable eBook format and a bunch of other stuff. I still have more that needs to be uploaded to there...working on it slowly.

Star West
Star West's picture

Sorry...double post...this comment ended up in the wrong spot.

True Iskander
True Iskander's picture
Thanks for the easy link! I wonder if AEG plans to ever take that page down.
BluSponge blusp...
BluSponge blusponge@verizon.net's picture

Just in case, someone better archive EVERYTHING!

Cthulhu Netobvious
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture

I prefer to keep 7thSea2e.com focused on the 2nd Edition. Just that the 1st edition is like over a decade old. An antique, so to say. LOL!

But @BluSponge, you are welcome to post in Blogs or special 1st Edition Legacy section (personally not keen on it but if the fans want it).

Manual labor is not my thing, and I am also busy with lots of other maintenance issues to write a script to parse all those third party pages.

If you want to cut and paste, use the "Filtered HTML" or "Full HTML" in the Text format options below the white data entry forms. Enjoy! laugh

TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e

Star West
Star West's picture

Everything is already archived. BJR and I went through all of it, converted it to .pdf, and uploaded it to the Temple of the Rose and Cross forum a few months ago, so everything at http://www.alderac.com/7thsea/resources/ (plus a lot more) is already at http://www.templeoftheroseandcross.com/phpbb/index.php

Cthulhu Netobvious
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture

Thanks to the people who helped the AEG refugees. A similary thing happend with WoTC and the refugees to ENWorld.org.

When a business sells books and stuff and takes money from fans, it does not cost that much to buy a hosting plan for 10 or 20 years and keep it online as an archive. Pity that WoTC and AEG and many commercial companies just abandon their fans as if funding an archive is that prohibitive. Really?

TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e

Star West
Star West's picture

Well, I don't know if AEG will cut it off, but we captured all of it and put it on the temple for safe-keeping. Honestly what I'm more bummed about was the loss of the Forum. I snagged some of the content from there (and am slowly parsing through it,) but a lot of it is lost to the wind and waves.

BluSponge blusp...
BluSponge blusponge@verizon.net's picture

That's part of the reason I started my blog. I got tired of a lot of my posts disappearing down the forum memory hole. Obviously not everything goes there, but plot ideas, monsters, npcs, all find their way there eventually.

Salamanca's picture
Well, it sometimes has to do with ownership. Depending on the deal they made, AEG might not be allowed to leave that stuff out. I'll go through my old files and see how much I have that may have been missed. Not much that I recall. At least not much that I have permission to post. But if I have something it will pop up at the temple.
Star West
Star West's picture

It wouldn't surprise me if that was part of the deal. I also wouldn't blame AEG for deciding to shut down the website for a game that's been out of print for 15 years either.

According to AEG's webmaster, they chose to shut down the forum because : 1) as a company AEG sees less of a reason to maintain an "Official Forum" when there are a lot of other ways to do that (it costs them time and money, and they don't see the value,) and 2) with the L5R sale to FFG (and now we know 7th Sea as well) it just seemed like the right time.

It sure was a surprise though. I had already started going through and archiving old threads and content because I was dusting off my books and getting back to the Midnight Archipelago supplement I had planned on doing years ago when the forum went down.

Idesama's picture

You're awesome for doing all of that, and I wasn't aware of your site when I posted or I may have just posted your site instead. :) Though I'm an old hand at the Sea, I've been adrift for many years, it was only by fortune that I stumbled upon news of the sale and the wondrous revival of one of my favorite gaming experiences, one that hopefully will outlast its previous incarnation for some time. Still I may be tempted to run the 1e world from time to time. Eager as I am for the reboot, I'll miss some of the old characters and plots that aren't likely to make the journey to 2e (alas poor Val Mokk).

Star West
Star West's picture

BJR is really the one who deserves the thanks. He's the one that took over the Temple when St Claire stepped down as brand manager, and he has kept that site going for years now.

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