To help John Wick and friends get even more buyers we encourage those of you without a copy to get one from DriveThruRPG.
To help John Wick and friends get even more buyers we encourage those of you without a copy to get one from DriveThruRPG.
QUOTE: (published 2017-06-, Tuesday)
Hey folks!
Thanks so much for your patience this month! We’ve got plenty of good production news for June, including the release of the 7th Sea Storium World, the launch of Nations of Théah on our webstore and on DTRPG, and an updated production schedule.
Oh... and we've got a pretty cool preview of some art from The Crescent Empire!
QUOTE: Mark Diaz Truman (published 2017-06-, Tuesday)
Hey all!
So I've been reading through Nations of Theah, and it seems to me like I've either completely misunderstood something regarding Glamour sorcery, or something hasn't been made quite clear in the book itself:
I sat down last night to read the Avalon and Montaigne sections of the "Nations of Theah" preview in detail.
I came away feeling a bit...depressed?
I like details such as the city descriptions, dueling customs and legendary creatures. But the description of the political situation of both nations comes across as a lot gloomier and less, in 1e.