QUOTE: John Wick (published 2021-10-23 (Saturday)
Cities of Faith and Wonder is in layout as our amazing layout artist Robert Denton goes to work! Here's the first pages of the Vaticine City chapter including art.
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2021-10-23 (Saturday)
Cities of Faith and Wonder is in layout as our amazing layout artist Robert Denton goes to work! Here's the first pages of the Vaticine City chapter including art.
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2020-08-20 (Thursday)
I'm happy to announce that tomorrow, we are releasing the PDF for Secret Societies via Backerkit. You'll be able to download the PDF and enjoy the content. We're one book closer to finishing up the project!
A couple of notes on the book.
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2020-08-20 (Thursday)
I'm happy to announce that tomorrow, we are releasing the PDF for Secret Societies via Backerkit. You'll be able to download the PDF and enjoy the content. We're one book closer to finishing up the project!
A couple of notes on the book.
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2020-08-20 (Thursday)
I'm happy to announce that tomorrow, we are releasing the PDF for Secret Societies via Backerkit. You'll be able to download the PDF and enjoy the content. We're one book closer to finishing up the project!
A couple of notes on the book.
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2020-08-20 (Thursday)
I'm happy to announce that tomorrow, we are releasing the PDF for Secret Societies via Backerkit. You'll be able to download the PDF and enjoy the content. We're one book closer to finishing up the project!
A couple of notes on the book.
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2020-06-02 (Tuesday)
Aaron Acevedo and his incredible crew of artists have delivered more Secret Society art! I'm dropping a few of the pics below so you can check them out.
I'll have a more detailed update later in the month, but for now, I just wanted to share these images with you. Enjoy!
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2020-05-11 (Monday)
Hey folks, a quick update.
Just recently, I sent a whole ton of art specs to Aaron Acevedo, our new Art Director. He got busy. He has his studio working fast on getting us the whole ton of art we're going to need for Secret Soceities, and I wanted to share some of the sketches we got.
These are for my approval, so I look them over, make notes, and then send those notes back to Aaron. He talks to the artist, we get a revised sketch, and then final approval.
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2019-11-25, (Monday)
Secret Societies has gone to layout! We're one step closer to getting the book to your hands. Our artists are finishing up the portraits of all the NPCs (there's a TON of them) and the chapter headers are due at the end of the month. I wanted to show you all what the book is going to look like, but that's going to be in the December update.
QUOTE: John Wick (published 2019-10-08, (Tuesday)
Sorry for the late update. I was waiting on a lot of things for the September update that didn't come through, so I'll be posting September's now and October's in a couple of weeks.