Here's my first pass at something resembling a weapons list for 2nd edition, pretty much culled from the 1st edition game and sourcebooks. The objective is to provide the players with a list of period-appropriate weapons. I've also included my "weapon picks" option that I through out there in one of the other forum threads as an option. I don't expect a lot of people will use it, but I like to keep track of these things anyway. :)
So reading over the Kickstarter comments, I'm seeing a smidge of blowback on the Wealth rules and the lack of any guidance on starting equipment, specifically weapons. Right now, if you want to be a pistol packing band of pirates, there's no reason the whole group couldn't load up with a half dozen firearms strapped to your chest and set off to conquer the high seas. That's gonna be fine with some people, other are chafing on that freedom a bit. Given the space of the book, I really doubt they are going to throw in a section on starting gear.